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SiC polishing slurry (SC series)
As the representative of the third generation of wide bandgap semiconductor materials, SiC has irreplaceable advantages in the fields of high power, high temperature, high voltage, high frequency electronic devices and extreme environmental applications such as aerospace, military and nuclear energy. Xinanna Co. LTD has developed a range of SiC slurry including SC-S1, SC-S2, SC-A1, and SC-C1.


Slurry for the stock polishing SiC wafer


 1. High removal rate (>2.5μm/h)

2. Good surface quality: smooth, no obvious scratch.

3. Long life.


Application: High-purity semi-insulator 4H-SiC, N-type 4H-SiC wafer polishing, etc.


Slurry for the final polishing of SiC wafer


 1. Good surface quality: surface roughness (Ra) <0.15nm. 

2. High removal rate (>1m/h).

3. Easy to be cleaned.

Application: High-purity semi-insulator 4H-SiC, N-type 4H-SiC wafer fine polishing, etc.